Friday, October 03, 2008

Diaper Rash

If your baby gets diaper rashes after eating certain kinds of foods, it might be the acid. Some foods simply need to be delayed because of their acid content, like spinach and tomatoes; but some has an amount that you can reasonably hope for baby to tolerate, such as applesauce. For many, though, these foods can cause painful acid rashes.

Good news, though, for some food: bananas. Bananas have a natural antacid effect, and are well tolerated by most babies who are old enough for solid foods. The antacid effect counteracts the acid in apples, pears, and berries. So if you serve applesauce, mix it with some banana. If you serve rice cereal with fruit, mix in some banana. Your baby will love it, and it will save his bottom.


Laura said...

Okay...I NEVER paid attention to the fact hhat you have this blog.
I like it.
I'll be back.

Laura said...

And, I can't spell THAT.

Christina Martin said...

Heh... well, you haven't been missing a lot. You might notice I don't post nearly often enough.