Monday, July 30, 2007

Book Repair

I warn you, this is not the kind of professional repair you'd use for a keepsake, but it's good for books that get lots of use and wear.

I've found nothing more useful than clear packing tape, preferably the thick stuff. One strip down the spine will repair most torn off covers, and another strip on the inside will usually prevent them from tearing again. If it's a thick book, go ahead and do the other side also, so that the other cover won't tear off. If you really want heavy duty protection, cover the whole thing, then, with clear contact paper.

If you're using the packing tape, go ahead and do the edges of the book cover while you're at it. It will help prevent fraying along the edges and bent corners. Cut the strip of tape a little longer than the length of the edge, from front corner to back corner. Let it overhang. Then fold the extra bits over the corner for extra-extra reinforcement there. Your books will last a long time this way, and paperbacks will be almost as sturdy as hardcovers.

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