Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So you tripped and found yourself here...

Welcome to the ever-dull first post. For anyone who is familiar with my other blog, Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae, I want to warn you that this one is not going to be the same. If it were, I'd just post it there, right?

Feel free to read, or not. I won't get my feelings hurt, but your comments will be welcome.

As for content, this blog will be a little less organized and much more hands on. As Miss Frizzle says, "Get messy!" I plan to. I'll be offering ideas, plans, and quickie tips on all sorts of things, from housecleaning to homeschooling to dealing with spam.

I welcome other people's ideas here, too. The idea is to get helpful ideas out there, and if you have 'em, flaunt 'em!

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I just stumbled across your new blog today, but I have to say, I love it! I enjoy reading both your blogs. :) Good for you for "getting messy"!